Thursday 25 September 2014

A disappointing day

Feeling: Grumpy kitty

I had a good, strong to do list for today and didn't tick ANYTHING off my list :'( Some things involved leaving the house, but I ended up feeling unable to leave so the day's productivity level plummeted.

Giving blood donation appointment = have a bit of a cold + tickly cough

They wouldn't have let me donate if I went to the session, so instead I went on the website to reschedule. I hate how big the gaps are between sessions!! Next appointment is now 10th NOVEMBER. I wasn't in the best of moods at this point, because I'd (believe it or not) actually been looking forward to it. It gives you best, most selfless buzz, it really does, at least for me :)

Go to Jobcentre Plus = need to see GP first

Okay, I downloaded some forms to fill in and take to Jobcentre Plus nearby to apply for a type of allowance, but I need evidence from my GP to give in with it. So this trip is a no go til then *sigh* I don't like going to my GP heeeere! It's nothing about him, but I grew really attached to my previous female GP - if you've read my blog for a while, you'll know about how I feel with GPs.

Pretty mad at myself. I did however complete a product listing for Etsy and I did a lot of social networking through my twitter and instagram accounts for Sunny Stitches.


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