Wednesday 10 September 2014

That is terrible, AnxietyUK!

This makes me really mad!

AnxietyUK has a big member's section of the website with access to many things - local support, links, advice booklets and fact sheets, all sorts of things. That's fine, good idea, but making people pay? Come on now, you have a magazine, why not just ask people to pay for a subscription.

You have to pay for a fact sheet download

I don't like the fact that I would have to pay to gain access to many things that could help support me through my day to day life with mental illness, we should be entitled to that! I was on some phobia pages and there were links to fact sheets and advice booklets to download - I thought 'Great, this will be a big help.' Click on it - directs me to a payment form. HUH?!

That is really frustrating, I just think that's ridiculous.

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