Saturday 13 September 2014

Sunny Stitches for weddings!

Just under a fortnight to go til I launch Sunny Stitches and I am starting to get nervous about if anyone will even consider buying anything :/ eehh what if people don't like what I come up with? No no, nerves do not make me look good, I have to be bright and bubbly and confident in my creative work (oooh I like the way I sound saying that!).

Click on my banner above to go to my twitter and follow me to keep up to date with Sunny Stitches! I would love for any of my blog readers to follow me in other ways, the support means a lot.

At the moment, my head of wedding ideas for favours, table numbers or alternatives, table places, tokens, all sorts. I want to stitch everything! I'm starting to run low on start-up supplies so I will have to hold on to a few ideas, draw them up but keep them safe in my idea bank until I know (if I get any orders) what pieces are more popular.

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