Friday 5 September 2014

Wedding Anniversary

Mood: Okay

Had a horrible dream, very... fight-y and real, the enemies were right in my face. After getting up, I had a nice long chat with mum in her room about product packaging and she showed me some things in her craft collection that might be useful, so I'm now focusing on that aspect of Sunny Stitches. If you buy a little something from my shop, you will see how it turns out!

Sunny Stitches is launching in 3 weeks, AAHH!

We are celebrating my parents' 30th wedding anniversary tomorrow because even though it was mid August, other things got in the way of celebrating. Plus, dad's not much of a special-occasion guy, he sees them as pointless effort, so it's more for my sister and I to arrange.

It won't be a lot, but my sister is cooking dinner and I'm baking a celebration cake :D I can't wait to baaaaake.

I love baking!

So the main things to do today, let's see:

Note cake ingredients and buy whatever we don't have
Get mum's anniversary gift for dad
Play around with packaging ideas (if I can)

Looks like I'm heading outside today *sigh* oh well, for the parents. The gift shopping should be enjoyable though :) I'll make it fun by doing my makeup before hand, at least then I'll feel more confident and yeah-let's-do-this!

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