Thursday 4 September 2014

Someone keep sharp objects away from me

Mood: *evil voice* sooooooooon.

I forgot how infuriating my dad can be. How do I forget every time I'm away from home?! I'm actually feeling more upbeat today because my nose is almost back to normal. The cough is worse, but that's a good sign that my body is kicking butt. Speaking of kicking butt, UUUHHH DAD GO AWAY!

Dad teaching mum how to use the hoover, when she clearly knows as she was telling me exactly the same thing yesterday.

For goodness sake, he talks down to us all as if he is the fountain of knowlede and he is giving us little gifts of advice. Gifts of headaches more like haha! He got me wound up earlier but I've done some stitching since then and I'm happy with how my two pieces turned out, so I'm back in my happy place.... with the hoover ringing in my ears. Actually, I should take the hoover off mum's hands to spare her any back pain that might come tomorrow, 'scuse me...

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