Friday 12 September 2014


Mood: Mousey

I want to stay in bed and curl up with my warm duvet with noone coming up and prodding me with questions. Went to sleep at 2:10am - what is wrong with me - and set my alarm at 8. My body clock is getting silly now beause I am very rapidly going back to my old ways of being on my laptop in bed for a while. It's not as much of a problem like at uni, but it's still not a good thing.

I'm not bothered by getting my exam results today, I already know it's a case of getting an exit award or not and I'm not sure if I might have to wait longer to know that or if that may have been decided and I will find out today.

Today had better run smoothly because the wedding reception is tonight and I have to complete my wedding present for them and it MUST be perfect. It's a wedding present!! So much more worried about that, particularly the backing, but I will do my best :) some craft supplies should arrive in the post today (fingers crossed) so I can gift wrap the hoop piece the way I'd like.

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