Monday 15 September 2014

No more monthly Thank Yous?

It is obvious I have stopped writing the Thank You posts at the end of each month. My blog is a place where I am totally honest and they've simply disappeared because I forgot to keep up with them tehe!

It was a healthy practice and I would encourage anyone to keep a Gratitude Diary. I kept one for a little while at uni when I was very low in attempt to turn around my outlook day by day. You can write in it as frequently as you like, whatever is most convenient for you, I know some people write 3 things they are grateful for every day or others who have large elemtns they are grateful for in a list that they look at every day or so (such as a roof over their head, family, their health etc).

Once a month was most fitting for me, it appeared to work well with the blog, particularly since I write every day. My feelings of gratitude are still there, but I suppose bringing it to the forefront of your mind has an impact.

You can be grateful without it even occurring to you!

I may bring the posts back, in hindsight, sometimes you know something is good for you and you give it a go, but only after you stop do you look back and see that it really worked. Who knows, there may be a September Thank You coming to a computer/phone screen near you.... in 2 weeks.

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