Saturday 13 September 2014

My best mate and the exam results

Mood: Content

My closest friend is the BEST! I messaged her saying I wasn't in a good enough place to leave the house and she was so understanding, said it was fine and suggested we try some time next week. I will text her on a day I'm feeling confident enough to go out and hopefully she'll be free, I guess this is how we'll have to play it.

An understanding friend is such a big relief

Obviously I can't speak for other people with above average anxiety or constant worrying, but I really do worry a lot about friends judging me, I always have but it is much more elevated since, you know, what happened at uni :/ it is the biggest relief that my best mate is totally fine with it.

Even though people often say 'it's fine', I will read into their body language and convince myself I found the truth elsewhere in their behaviour, that they are lying or just being polite.

* * * * *

The exam results came in the post yesterday - no wonder the email still wasn't coming through haha - and as I expected, I failed both my exams. They sent a transcript of multiple pages - the results, what it means, if you need to do something next etc. On the front it said:
Award: Repeat - No award.
This made me panic a little because I wasn't sure if this meant I wouldn't get an exit award either. I was looking through my transcript with mum and told her why I was worried, so she was nice enough to ring uni to ask about it. Of course, they had to talk to me but I was okay because I knew what I had to say.

Thankfully, all is okay. They had to hear from me, because failing my exams meant I was automatically given the option to repeat those modules (coursework and all) through the next academic year. YOU MUST BE JOKING, last year was painful enough. So by ringing I confirmed that I didn't want this option and to ask for the exit award instead. That is all sorted now and I should get a whole new transcript in the post.

Next step: Graduation

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