Wednesday 17 September 2014

So f***ed off

Feeling: Guess.

Words can't describe how pissed I feel. Ooh Tom's ringing me...

Okay I vented at Tom over the phone about it which has helped a bit, so I can blog a bit easier now. D'you know when you are too angy to be able to explain something? Yep.

The King of Comedy

The husband, I'll call him L. The jokes I have come to realise will never end and I still don't find them funny. Everyone is laughing around me and I plaster a little fake smile but I can't give any more than that, because I am so bloody sick of these jokes. L, the King of Comedy. For god's sake!

And stop hitting my arm with the back of your hand when you want my attention, I have a name. I'm Jess, nice to meet you, I've told you my name for a reason! It's not a hard hit, I'm not complaining that it hurts, I just find it a bit.....not offensive, but it's not right. You are 70, stop acting like a hip, 25 year old.

Maybe I have a short fuse, but I'm not enjoying anything about having them here. They are polite people and have done an awful lot for my sister and the house, but I don't think I will get on with them.

L is all about handyman jobs. They have stayed here before, while I was at uni, and L did some little jobs for the house which was nice. I thought of him as like our Grandpa when he would tackle some things, but I didn't realise that he would practically live for planning/doing these things all day! He's already been up in my room to look for a water tank (thank you for not asking), in the garden to find bathroom piping on outside of the house, checking the bathrooms, planning entirely new loo systems so we have those eco flush button things.

Don't suggest house changes when you're the guest, do you think we're made of money?!

I'm sorry, but unless you're hoping to pay for all these alterations, you can take them jotted down in your notebook and jog on!! I don't get it, going around your hosts house saying how badly it's wired up and how so much needs replacing - not that anything is broken, it's just not very efficient in his mind!

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