Friday 12 September 2014

Won't leave my bed

Click on image for more info on the show
I refuse to move. I am determined to stay in bed where I am safe and in control and don't need to be around anyone else,

I have been up, had breakfast in front of The Dog Rescuers. It is one of those can't-tolerate-anything-with-family days, I just want them to leave me alone and stop bothering me.

Go away!!

Why can't I be left alone?! If I stay in bed where I'm comfy and cosy, a good mood might come my way by tonight. Done a bit more on the piece so the design itself is finished. Frankly I don't care anymore, I'm not bothered about finishing it. I'll give it them another time, they're getting something else as well anyway.

Just so f***ing mad! I will gauge someone's eyes out if I have the chance.

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