Thursday 11 September 2014

Physical problem trumps mental

Mood: Okay

It was an odd afternoon, mum and I went down the road for a few errands as well as going to a cafe for lunch.

Woke up crazy late today - 11, oops - and mum came up to ask if I wanted to go out and we could gt pancakes. Ever since I saw this nice pancake sign outside this little cafe, mum and I have been meaning to try them. We still haven't.

The idea was to get the errands and little jobs out of the way, then treat at the end, but by the time we were done we were too hungry and ended up having bigger lunches.

It is hard hearing mum talk about my sister's eczema sometimes - she spoke about how painful it was to see her a while back and she just had to do something about it etc. The words were ringing in my ears and if I we were at home and I could've escaped to my room, I probably would've cried.

Amazing how many times a single fact can come back and hit you over and over - mum can't see my condition, so she can't understand any struggle or difficulty.

To be fair, she did suggest to me the other day that I should get the Agoraphobia sorted, but that's because I crept into her room and blurbed out my struggles.

I have to come to terms with the fact that my sister's physical problems will always trump my mental ones. Yes, I know it's not a competition, but difference in support is there and it will remain there *sigh* my mum put over £100 into making special creams, moisturisers and lotions at home for my sister to use. It has helped a lot which is great and I am so happy for my sister that her skin is improving :)

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