Monday 15 September 2014

Everyone has different tastes

Mood: Contemplative

As I've said before, my best friend is the best! I got to see her this afternoon and we went out to a nice cafe near my house. I love seeing her because she really gets what I'm saying.

A lot of things I need to get off my chest are about seeking approval from my family for everything, valuing their opinions over my own, misunderstood behaviour, losing my uni best mate over it...

It reminds me how beneficial it is to have someone there for you who simply understands and can empathise, it does so much for you. She said plenty of things that made sense. Involving Sunny Stitches, I explained my current cycle:

Create/do something I am proud of
Show/tell mum and sister
Get negative feedback
Feel put down and de-motivated.....
Create/do something I am proud of

And so it goes. Each stage, I reach out to family for approval, as if I need their permission to go on to the next step or like they're quality control officers. It might be, thinking about it now, a sort of bonding behaviour, as if their approval will ensure my sense of belonging in the family.

She helped me to remember why I want to do this shop, who it is for, that this is my life that I am living. A good point she made was that my family aren't the buyers intended for my pieces. I can bear their opinions in mind, but I have to keep reminding myself that everyone has different tastes and though they might not like a piece or design, someone might like it and buy it.

This makes a lot of sense today:

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