Wednesday 17 September 2014

A tear rolled down my cheek

I was feeling very frustrated. Thankfully, I spent most of the day by myself embroidering at my desk and thanks to that, I am feeling good about Sunny Stitches :) I embroidered a new, big butterfly with gorgeous white and teal wings!

A sad moment

I did have a little sad moment as I went upstairs after dinner, because sometimes I remember that I am down and if a family member asks me what the matter is, I can't keep saying 'Oh, I'm just depressed' or 'I'm not well!', so after a while I just say I'm fine because it is much easier and it feels like the kinder thing to do to prevent anyone in the family worrying.

I might go back to the Gp to ask for a diagnosis for Generalised Anxiety Disorder and then a referral to some extra service thing. I am just sick of having thoughts spinning round my head - most people have that the night before their exams or before something important, but people forget that that is my ongoing day 24/7.

Misread as a character flaw

People forget and a lot of the time I want to scream, because it is misread as being grumpy or lazy or some other character flaw. I know I seem snappy and closed off and cold all the time, but frankly it seems to be the current way I cope with things. I am lucky and have things much easier than many, but I have to highlight that I do not think the way people should when their brain functions normally.

My family do try to understand but I can't help think that they try to forget about it - I understand that and I would do the same if I could!

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