Saturday 20 September 2014

A dramatic meal out

Last night, the guests treated us to a meal out, which was generous of them.

I tried my hardest to surround myself at the table with family but L wasn't having it. At a table for 6, I had dad on my left and my sister opposite me... until L sat next to her... in between our table and the next. So she had to budge back over and L was opposite me. Brilliant.

What an uncomfortable meal. I mean, mostly it was great... apart from L yelling at the waitress who served out our meals. What for? He got the wrong 'extra' above his food. For god's sake! I thought I had a short fuse. Sure, it's their job to get it right, but I can't help but think of them working long hours and getting paid peanuts.

Unfortunately another mistake was made later on with our drinks (well, the other's drinks :P) this time from the orginal waitress who took our order. Thankfully she was at the other end of our table and L's wife handled it in a firm but calm tone - there, much more appropriate :) of course he was shaking his head and I was bubbling quietly under my skin until there was too much adrenaline to ignore and I had to say something. In a firm but calm tone of course :)

'At least she was the right waitress to confront about it'

He wasn't too impressed with that and my sister gave me a quick look, but after that I felt so much better and was actually in the best mood that I had been in all week! My meal was yummy and I even had room for dessert - aaahhh heaven!!

A Honeycomb Explosion Sundae

Yes, you have my permission to be jealous. L's wife loves honeycomb just as much as I do and, even though she was at the other end, we kept passing the sundae between us! Dad dipped in too - uhhhhh SO GOOD! I must have anotherrrr.

A nice location too, it's right by the sea :) maybe I should take Tom some time.

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