Thursday 18 September 2014

Such an emotional morning

Feeling: Tired in every sense

It has been such an emotional morning. I was doing a jigsaw in the living room to stay in my happy place for a bit after having breakfast. The guests left to do their plans and my parents were around. I can't remember whether it was mum or dad, one of them began to talk to me about finding work *sigh*

Basically, the conversation spiralled and I was soon crying over my jigsaw pieces saying things like 'Why are you punishing me? I don't want to go out there and work for another spiteful boss.' I cried asking why I have no family support at all in my hope to set up a little creative business and come to think of it, I never got my answer :/

Dad wandered off (as usual, part way through everything) and mum sat down next to me so I could cry on her shoulder. She suggested I go back to the GP, maybe I should be back on medication to help to balance my mood and things, which I was very grateful for. Talking over my prospects again and saying what I should look into.

I think I should definitely look into the therapy...type...local thing, it's obvious I am struggling from the loss of an old friend last year and I know that I will benefit from it.

God, I hope things pick up from here least for a while, pleeease :'(

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