Wednesday 10 September 2014

Don't give me that 'I've been there too, you will be fine' line, none of us walk the same path

Mood: Anxious

They're talking about me downstairs. My sister has asked what I was talking to mum about and mum's giving every detail, I just know it. This has happened many times over the years. I don't care that we are all one family, mum is talking to someone else about what I told her in confidence without my permission. Regardless of who it is, that's talking behind my back and how am I supposed to trust my own mother when she does this?

I'm talking to you (mum) about my anxiety, do you think I won't get anxious about whether you might pass on what I've said?! I'm frustrated, but I don't want to come down hard on mum because she does a lot and things are particularly tough for her since my grandpa has been in hospital and isn't well, but I won't go into that.

My sister already judges me for my behaviour - this'll only make her more opinionated.

'What a drama queen.'
'She's just exaggerating, she's fine.'
'Always an excuse with her, she just never admits her faults'
'She's lazy, that's all it is, she can't be bothered!'

I can see it now, my sister thinking/saying all this. I don't think she believes a word from me and on the chance that she does, she gives me the 'I've been there too and you'll get past it' line.


Yes, mental health difficulties like depression and anxiety are common, but do not assume we all walk down the same road. That only tells me that you haven't truly been there youurself. Either that or you really didn't think of the bigger picture of mental health across a group of people. My sister was depressed for a little while years ago, I am not condoning that or saying I have it worse or anything, but don't tell me how it'll go for me! It goes differently for every individual, do I really have to explain this to you?!

I'm pretty sure I know what'll happen next. My sister will go out of her way to try to have a one-to-one chat with me (it'll feel more like a counsel) about how she understands, she's had all of this herself (I feel like I have nothing of my own, not even bloody mental illness), it'll fade blablabla.

Yeah, you said that when I told you I was bisexual and guess what, I still am - hello

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