Monday 30 June 2014

Myth Monday #2: A character flaw?


Today's myth:

People who are depressed just aren't trying hard enough to snap out of it, it's all down to a weakness of character.

Well, well, well. If I catch anyone near me claiming this one, it will take all my strength to stop me from ranting at them. Of course this is false. What a horrible thing to say as well, it largely seems to be down to ignorance this one but then, that is just my personal frustration, some people simply need some education :)

Depression has nothing at all to do with being lazy or weak in any way (though many sufferers will think that of themselves with no self-esteem....including me). It is to do with a change in their brain chemistry and function. Biological, psychological and social factors are all what contribute and events such as the loss of a loved one for example can greatly affect someone's mental health.

This post's information was from Promote Acceptance and


Unknown said...

New reader to your blog- Just wanted to pop in and say I read a bunch of your past posts, too :) I like this one- if I could only keep count of the people who say "snap out of it"... So true!

Unknown said...

Thank you for reading some of my posts fellow Jess of the world! Hope to hear from you again soon :)it is soo frustrating, you just want to shake people by the shoulders in the hope that they understand better!