Monday 23 June 2014

Myth Monday #1: Youngens and Mental Health


Mondays will occasionally be dedicated to figuring out whether myths or rumours about mental illness are true or false. I will research around the web and come to a conclusion about the myth and explain to you what I have learnt. So let's bust some myths together! The first myth I've found to look into is:

Children do not experience mental health problems.

1 in 10
Everywhere I have looked has given me the same answer: this is false false false! Here are some facts that people need to know when making this assumption. Around 1 in 10 children and young people are affected by mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, very different from how things were 30 years ago.

The changes that youngens go through are thoroughly important and certain situations or events can subsequently show warning signs. For example, the loss of a loved one, severe bullying or abuse, discrimination or having a parent who has mental health problems.

3/4 of mental health disorders begin before the age of 24, some start showing first signs before 14. Less than 20% of youngens receive the appropriate treatment sadly but with a loving environment they can be helped before things worsen.

I found today's information from and Mental Health Foundation

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