Thursday 19 June 2014

GP appointment

Todays to dos:

  • Credit card application *yawn*
  • Send volunteer application to animal rescue
  • Revise
  • Repot one of mum's garden plants
Today is looking pretty short, considering I got up at midday and it is now getting to late afternoon and all I have done is complete a jigsaw - which I consider an achievement.

Frankly, just getting out of bed is a good sign.

Ooh I almost forgot, the visit to the GP yesterday morning went well. He was nice and friendly and a big worry for me is that a GP will think it is all an act and refuse to give any help or anything, but of course he really listened to what I had to say, wrote down the name of the local counselling service and gave me a new prescription. I explained my upcoming, final year exams and my thoughts of increasing dosage.

He was happy to increase my medication, though he only gave a month's worth, but I can understand that. All my health records won't transfer over completely until after even my next appointment! Since he doesn't know me, he was very much going off my judgement and assured me that increasing my dosage (from 20 mg to 40mg) is still not high, so there is nothing to be concerned about there.

Hands up 40mg friends!

This may sound silly, but I was a little anxious of seeing a male GP. It has nothing to do with the gender, it is simply because I have only ever seen female GPs about my mental health and they have always been very understanding and compassionate. I simply wasn't sure if a male GP would be more stern or something - I know this is just nervous thinking and I have nothing against male GPs.

Before my previous GP, I had only seen one other GP for a single visit. Apart from that, I saw the same GP for all of last year, so talking to someone new and having to explain from the beginning pretty much was a bit nerveracking. I think I handled it very well though, so I am pleased :)

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