Tuesday 17 June 2014

Too many people!

Mood: Unsettled

Felt good when I woke up this morning, but after having some breakfast I got this splitting headache. It extinguished my happy mood and I lay curled up on the sofa watching tv. Not a happy bunny. I've felt weak all day too. Not a 10/10 for my body and my mind wasn't that much better.

This afternoon I went out food shopping with dad, with a couple other errands along the way. Food shopping wasn't good at all at first, my dad had gone to the clothes section for something and I started the food shop on my own. People everywhere, so much noise, eyes looking at you, trolleys shoving you out the way, sensory overload. I felt vulnerable. Like a small fish lost in a biiiiiiiig ocean.

Surely that environment would stress anyone out!

Mum just happened to ring me and I said how I felt - I could hear the 'What's the matter with you, for goodness sake!' tone which made me feel stupid and silly as well, a welcome addition! After finding dad again, I was soon feeling normal again and we got back home about 10 minutes or so ago. Now that I'm on my sofa, with noone buzzing around I am much calmer, but still sad about how mum sounded on the phone.

One of the most upsetting things a loved one can do is respond as if your behaviour in a situation is silly or ridiculous, you will only feel worse. The tough love, get over it style is damaging, I believe.

The behaviour of those around a sufferer is just as important, if not more.

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