Wednesday 4 June 2014

Dosage worries

Mood: Frustrated

The internet is rubbish here!! It keeps cutting out and it is driving me nuts aaaaargh. It wouldn't bug me so much if I wasn't trying to register back with my home doctor's surgery online with the forms - I had to fill in a few pages multiple times and finally managed to get it sent along with an online health check questionnaire. I think now I have to go down to the surgery at some point, not sure when, to confirm my details, send proof of ID and sign stuff.

Hopefully I can make an appointment with a GP relatively soon because my meds will run out in about 3 weeks :/ pretty nervous of running out, things are strenuous at the moment so I would like to discuss with a GP the possibility of increasing my dosage. Running out and going cold turkey off my meds a second time is a serious worry, especially since these exams aren't done with yet.

I feel like I'm starting to sink a bit, so an appointment is very much needed. I'm starting to cry fairly often throughout the day and feeling very lonely and isolated - more so than the usual underlying mood. If things stay this way all the way up to my exams then I am certain they will not go well. I've done a tiny bit of revision a couple of times, but I am not feeling capable of passing my exams yet.

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