Friday 20 June 2014

Don't make things harder for yourself

Mood: Content

In my usual place as ever this morning: cup of tea, on the sofa in my nightie with my animal rescue friends. So, to keep myself up and running today, I have a number of things to get on with. Often the best thing to do to keep moving is simply refusing yourself the option to curl up and ignore the world. Every part of you is pulling in that direction, but if you do things without putting too much thought into it, then you will soldier on without even realising.

Help make it easier for yourself.
Be your strongest support.

Mid-afternoon break watching Joseph's Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat through youtube - the video version with Donny Osmond! Have you seen that version? I had it on all the time when I was little and it is still a winner!

If the present is getting too much for me, I tend to turn to something that holds many memories. That or a good book.


M.Christine Duncan said...

"If the present is becoming too much for me...." YES! I do that too... one of my favorite tools to cope is digging out things that bring back positive memories! Movies, books, music. For whatever reason it gives me space to BREATHE.
I too have chronic D, am looking forward to reading your posts daily!

Unknown said...

Thank you! Uhh we all have those getaway mechanisms! Write again soon X