Thursday 19 June 2014

A successful day

Mood: Alright

Yesterday went really well :) the afternoon was dedicated to making mum's birthday cake and went without a hitch! Mum really liked the cake and has taken a couple of slices to work for her colleagues. I did take a pic of it so I'll pop that up soon.

Chocolate Orange Marble Cake mmmmm

I'm breathing pretty heavily in my little nightie on the sofa - it is pretty darn hot today. Watching the red and blue dragonflies around our garden pond is nice and relaxing. Part of the reason I'm relaxed is that I have only been awake for 3 hours...

12 hours sleep, oh yes

Anyway back to yesterday - after mum got back from work I gave her her card and presents from dad and I, then dinner and off to the theatre! There is a lovely little theatre we like to go to called The Tivoli Theatre - it is fairly old now and run mainly by volunteers. We saw a comedy musical called Crazy For You! that's set in the 30s. Nice costumes and good performances, very funny and well put together.

There's no business like show business!

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