Sunday 1 June 2014

What's the matter with you?!

Mood: Frustated

Today has been the dullest day, I almost didn't want to blog but here I am. I did get myself out and talking to a neighbour a couple of doors down and I am going over for a proper doggy-related chat with a cup of tea tomorrow night and I'll get to meet her heavenly dog properly, I'm so excited about it!

Yep, this is.... me. Exactly what I look like.
I have also done a lot of cross stitching today which I am happy about and also measured up all my finished pieces to know how many of what size frames I need to finish them off.

I will look into prices and write down how much each one has cost to make :) ooohh business-y! The thought of having a little etsy shop up and running gives me a boost feeling of independence.

Dad hasn't been around much this weekend and he often sounds irritable without meaning to. I've been away for a while, so coming back it's like I have to get used to his tone all over again :P I rang mum earlier because I wasn't feeling well, I just wanted to make myself some dinner, but I was nervous to eat before he got home from work in case he got annoyed. She was like 'Oh Jessy, what's the matter with you?! Just eat something. For goodness sake!'

Excellent. Now I feel hungry, nervous and stupid for feeling the first two. Thanks mum :/ I know you meant well but I genuinely cried a little. That might seem pathetic to others, but the way my mind works that's a slap in the face. I did eat something soon after the phone call and I'm feeling better.

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