Friday 13 June 2014

Mission birthday

Mood: Okay

I went to sleep much more peacfeully because I kept my window open slightly. Hearing all the outside noises like birds and passing cars redirected my focus. A promising thought and cooling what with the current weather, so I'll be doing that every night now :)

I am very relieved that I went to the doctors yesterday, I've been worrying an awful lot about my meds.

A weight off my mind aahhh

I am by no means rushing to get dressed today, I've already promised dad I'll do some revision *wimpers* it's not the revision itself as much as the emotions that start to run high. I will give it a go, I'm trying to make my revision more enjoyable and childlike with colouring in and things. I don't feel too bad at the moment, so we'll see :)

My mum's birthday is coming up next week, so I have to come up with something special for her :) dad and I might team up with a nice, larger present maybe. While my mum is in London until late tomorrow (courtesy of my sister's birthday treat) so tomorrow is Mission Birthday! I love present shopping for people, it's so fun :D


Oooh I'll have to make a cake as well, I love baking!!

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