Saturday 7 June 2014

Charity Shops

Mood: Okay

So knackered, last night was terrible: stormy, rain, thunder, lightning... not much sleep was had, but never mind. Today mother and I are going into town (eeehhh) to scour the charity shops for mum (eehhh) and donate plenty of things (yayyy!).  Thankfully, mum isn't keen on the town centre either because she doesn't like how busy and crowded it gets, so I am a bit hopeful that we won't be there all day.

The idea of being in town certainly gets me nervous straight away, I'd rather be in a small village or something, like Dibley! Where everyone knows everyone and there's no big shopping centre.

Who doesn't love Vicar of Dibley! It's TV comfort food. Anyway, we're off out soon so I have to muster all the energy I have; I could easily stay in town and do everything within an hour or so :)

If I stay quiet and dress warmly, I will feel more safe. I dress for the arctic for exams and presentation, I think the layers give me that feeling of protection. It must be why I sleep in a duvet-style coccoon.

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