Monday 2 June 2014

Errands and animals

Mood: Ready to roll!

I'm pumped this morning! Woke up uber early, but when you're up you're up, you know. Feeling good because my first eBay purchase came through last night :) yayy! Happy to see things go, one at a time. Lots of little worries attached with it though: Have I calculated it right, what if they can't send it, what if it costs me more than planned, what do I say, will they understand what I'm trying to do, will they have the right packaging for my order available....

So this is my list of to dos for today:

Go to post office and send order
Blood donation session: 1-3:30pm
Neighbour doggy chat

Today is also a blood bank day, as you know, so I will be nipping down the road early afternoon to try and donate for the first time. Fingers crossed this time all goes well :) they take more blood than I realised - just under a pint - but I don't mind at all, I'm actually pretty comfortable with needles. Funny really, something that is so commonly avoided by people and I am fine with it, ha! I'm actually more anxious about sending my order correctly than giving blood. I'm making sure to do everything right, I'm glugging down water this morning and I'll soon have some brekkie in front of Animal Rescue (naturally).

*barkfest outside*

Something's got those dog's tails in a twist :S there was a mini cat fight in front of our house the other night, the cat's on either side of our house. The poor younger, skittish one gets tormented a bit by the big fluffy one - probably a territorial thing, their territories do overlap over our garden :/

It is interesting how a pet cat's territory is its own garden and the gardens on either side as well. Good thing mum doesn't scare them away anymore.

I am excited about meeting the neighbour's dog properly tonight and giving her a good pet. Not having my own means I always shower other people's in affection - they usually don't mind!

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