Monday 16 June 2014


Mood: Up, up, up!

As happy and bouncy as Pinkie Pie!

This afternooon was put to good use - in stark contrast to yesterday - and I am now ready and raring to go for mum's birthdayyy! A couple of hours in town and a devised plan meant I got mum's presents and am very happy with them! I am mad about pretty, decorative storage boxes, so (since my mum won't see my this) I bought her a gorgeous box and some smaller preessies to put in like a little hamper! Oh wait.... the cake aargh! I haven't even chosen one yet! Okay it's fine I still have time, I will look through some dessert cookbooks and find one, then I'll just check for ingredients tomorrow :| since mum still has to go into work on Wednesday, I will make the cake on the day - it will taste even nicer then too!

Who doesn't like cake!

Okay, maybe a little Birthday list will do the trick and get my mind in order:

Presents: check!
Are they wrapped? Yep!
Card: check!
Written in it yet? Will do in a minute
Cake ingredients: uummm...
Anything else I currently can't remember: eerrrr...

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