Thursday 5 June 2014

Productivity surprise!

Mood: Good

I got out of bed todayyyy :)

Very pleased with myself. If you've been with me for a while you'll probably know I have a little pattern. Shortly after a productive spurt my mood sinks very low either for the rest of that same day, the entire following day or both. Today is supposed to be the following day but 

1) I got up out of bed and 
2) I've been getting on with things!

So proud of myself :) I've been doing what I do best: organising! I gave myself the task of going through tons of stuff and categorising them for charity shop donation / tip visit / throw away. It has made my room a mess which I can't stand but I'm getting rid of a lot of stuff which is so great! Old board games, knick knacks, videos, CDs, random things from over the years that had been completely forgotten (we all have things in that pile)....

Can't stop whistling the opening title tune for Cinderella after looking for the right disney princess image for this post....

I will attempt some revision this afternoon because it feels like everyone is getting on my case and I am worriyng more and more about it. It's all up to me, I guess :( so ready to have this behind me.

Are you doing / have you done a degree? Tell me all about it, I'd love to know the subject and everything!

Okay, I've been stock still at my desk whistling for about 10 minutes now, let's snap out of it Jess! Right, so for my revision I am going to make a poster or two with some drawings to tap into my visual learning skill. There's only so much highlighting can do...

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