Tuesday 3 June 2014

Loneliness kicking in

Mood: Upset

Mum's still got work for another 2 weeks and when dad isn't working he justs stays by himself. I had a bubble bath this morning and I cried because I suddenly felt a big kick of loneliness, I was like a 6 year old child calling for their mummy. All I kept thinking was 'Come home mumma' - not a nice start to the day :(

I wrote a long to do list for the day and after my bath all I want to do is curl up in blankets with mum for company, doing something crafty and creative. I am working on a pretty daisy design at the mo :) When my Etsy shop goes up I will put it up for sale! What an exciting thought :D

Giving blood went well yesterday on a good note, I was so pleased with myself! I only wish you could donate more frequently, I now have an appointment to donate on 24th September :/ ehhhh that's ages awayyyy. Ooh I'll have done my exams by then.

I've got things to do so it's not that I am bored, when I was counting down to being home I didn't think I would be by myself this much :/ although I did know mum would still be working for a while - our local uni where my mum works isn't done for the year for another month, we finished really early.

I need cake.. or a cuddle. Preferably both.

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