Friday 6 June 2014

Get out the sewing machines!!

Mood: Creative

I knew I had to go out with dad today and my hair was in a dire state, so first things first: clean clean clean!

After our little errand I walked home from down the road and it is a lovely sunny day in the south of the UK. I was skipping along the pavement in a summery dress, smiling at the sky. If you've followed me before now you'll know how much the weather affects my mood and this is great!

I have helped to plant around 250 trees in Brazil now, thanks to Ecosia - look it up :)

This afternoon has been very much in my comfort zone - at home, in the living room, doing something involving crafts and textiles: I braved my mum's sewing machine! I used to be pretty good with a sewing machine back in the day (secondary school) so I was looking forward to giving it another go after so many years. It felt very natural, I was very much at ease :)

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