Sunday 8 June 2014

Internet desertion

Apologies for nothing new lately, the internet had deserted me, but we have made friends again. I wrote posts like I normally do and I will post them now!

Mood: Relaxed

Amazing – I am at peace today! Such a hot day calls for pretty, light clothes and a comfy chair in the garden with a cold drink…..or lolly... or one after the other like I do. I started the day off with a bacon sandwich with mum before she hopped off to church and I was in a productive groove – I planned on hoovering most of the house, put a wash on and maybe some revision.

I love listening to Paul O’ Grady on Radio 2 J do you listen to the radio? Tell me what stations are your favourites!

While mum was out, I actually spent the whole time doing a jigsaw, I’ve loved them all my life. Sounds like a pretty English thing to enjoy doing! Then I had a spurt and hoovered all of downstairs, thankfully that was when mum came home :) but I explained that I had intended on doing more.

It’s been especially nice today because I have genuinely felt no pressure in any way to be or do something in particular. It is never a close one’s intention, but it is how I interpret their behaviour – I am trying to turn that around but it seems very much engrained.

No revision was done, but I am feeling better with it lately, because I’ve made 3 posters this week. My mum was confused when I told her that was what I had done to revise haha pictures, pictures and more pictures will do it! Bit gutted that everyone else in my year is finished for good and can move on to the next chapter in their lives, whereas I’m stuck :/ I know only a few more months, but it feels like forever away.

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