Thursday 12 June 2014

Doctor's surgery

Mood: Determined

Right, today I am walking down to my doctor's surgery - I need to confirm my details bla bla bla with ID proof bla bla before I can do anything. I'm just nervous that I can't be seen before I run out :/ and even if I can be seen, I will then have to find the courage to explain at least briefly to a new GP my difficulties. This isn't a fun process. If all goes exactly as planned they will give me one prescription slip for four months worth and by that point I will probably make another appointment just to fully understand how to wind off the meds.

I have been reassuring my family that once my exams are over with, I will start to wind off the meds but it is a silly thing to say, because I can't predict how my mental state will be at that time - I might not be ready! My enhanced enabler always has her medication, she just can't deal without it.

All I can do is try to be positive.

I have enquired into being a puppy socialiser for a local organisation called Woofability. The role would be very similar to being a puppy walker for Guide Dogs, but you have a dog for 3 weeks at a time to maximise their experiences with new environments.

What an exciting thought! I'm not going to get my hopes up like I did with Guide Dogs, but I know that they work in my area and I have actually seen a woofability dog in training round the corner from my house :D

Mum said we'll give it a go. It is hard when your parents can't empathise with your dreams. Unfortunately while I am living at home, if I want to gain any experience the only thing it seems I can do is have dogs at home and mum isn't an animal person at all. She is willing to do this for me though, which is great. We will see if this goes anywhere.

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