Sunday 22 June 2014

Parents leaving, boyfriend arriving

Mood: Happy

Feeling good today, had a better sleep and took my meds promptly this morning so it should be a more stable day. Just came from the neighbour's to give her dog some Jess love after they arrived back from a walk. SHE'S SO FLUFFYYYY!

The parents are all ready to go, the taxi will be here for them any minute actually - probably not the best time of the day to be blogging. A surprisingly calm morning considering the flight is today! I have 2.5 hours before le boyfriend gets here. What to do, what to do!

Cutely dressed: check!
Makeup all nice: check! (haven't worn makeup properly for at least a month)
House tidy: NO

I'm going to make the garden ready for company with the table and chairs and clean up and organise (you know it is what I do best!). Whenever my boyfriend is coming over, I always super girlify myself. It's a fun process and I get excited at the thought of seeing him again :) he puts me in such a good place, how could I not be excited?

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