Monday 9 June 2014

Hot weather + company = happiness?

Mood: So-so

Felt okay straight after getting up, but things very quickly went downhill. All of a sudden didn’t want to go out to do any little errands or anything, I felt so miserable. Once again a gorgeous day, but the warm weather was having no positive effect this morning. Maybe I need hot weather + company.

Hot weather + company = happiness?

It is almost 5pm now and I am so tired. After some breakfast I did will myself to go out because mum had asked me to get a couple of things. I also really need to go down to my doctor’s surgery but it’s too long a walk for me, my hips would certainly play up and make it very painful :/

My hips have been a problem from an early age, it always felt like bone grinding against bone, but the pain comes and goes so I haven’t had physio for it or anything. Maybe that day will come, but not yet.

Since I couldn’t get a lift from a parent, I opted out of that trip and instead did my mum’s errands down the road which was fine (part of which involved going to Superdrug, so I lounged about the makeup products for a good while, almost falling for deals then talking myself out of it like I always do!)

My thinner, summer clothes are also very bright and bold colours and my mood didn’t like the sound of that. Still, I forced myself out in bright teal palazzo trousers and a dark purple greek-style top. I felt sooo uncomfortable for a while, I took a white cardi in case I wanted to hide from prying eyes, but it was so hot and people weren’t looking at me! I gradually felt fine and nipping to the shops actually cheered me up J

I have enough meds to last another 10 days I think before I run out and I’m starting to feel on edge. Running out now could be pretty damaging, especially since things are looking up with family and everything. The thought that I might lash out or be irritable with anyone frightens me – I don’t want to go backwards! I’m doing my best to keep those worries at bay and remain hopeful that I can see a GP, get a prescription and cash it out before then…… mmmm.

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