Monday 14 July 2014

Bring back the bubbliness

Mood: Weak

I've been having a nice time with my boyfriend over the past few weeks. A couple of weeks ago I doubled my medication dosage - and I am going to run out while away from home...every time?!! Feeling weak and tired all the time.

Low mood = low energy

Thankfully I am well aware of the fact that the exam results will not affect my plans for afterwards. This is the greatest point of relief I can get *yawn* I need more energyyyyy! I used to be bright, bubbly and energetic. Right, I need to get onto this and figure out some sort of plan to get back the real me. I am not going to take pills any longer than neccesary.

Now, no judgement please: I am a total pegasister!

A major fan of My Little Pony, hello, nice to meet you! If you find that weird, that's okay, but you might be surprised to know that My Little Pony has a massive adult fanbase :) Grown male fans are typically called Bronies and us girls are Pegasisters - bit of a mouthful!

Any fans about today?

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