Tuesday 15 July 2014

Will I revise ever again?!

Mood: Hopeless

I am in a good mood today, the hopelessness is in regards to my exams. Next Tuesday I will find out my two exam dates *sigh* it's not that I don't want to do well, I'd just rather not care.
Not caring and feeling defeated at least brings the anxiety down
Will I be there?
I do know that my exams are at the end of August. Oh god oh god oh god oh god.... will I even graduate in November?

I am assuming that I won't now. Lately that prospect isn't even bothering me. This course makes me feel so boxed in and trapped, like I'm not doing what I want the way I want.

I just want to be free!

Sure, it would be nice to have something to show for the year of studying, I totally agree with my mum on this point, but I'd rather try something else and be more hands-on.

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