Sunday 1 February 2015

Tech rant / Job hunt / Lost

Feeling: Super frustrated

Most days of the week I don't let it bother me because it happens so much, but today it is reeeally winding me up. The internet in my house is beyond hopeless, I have to reboot or reset it every few minutes. *troubleshoot* This is ridiculous! There are so many things that need seeing to at home, but we never get round to everything. It's the typical case where you check one thing off your list but add another two to be done. *troubleshoot*  Uuuuughhh.. Rant over.

Job hunting

The past few weeks have been fairly boring, but I did apply to a couple of jobs. I thought I stood a good chance if I made it to the interview stage, I've never failed to get a job from an interview. I applied to House of Fraser and other retail shops, it is what I'm good at and where I am comfortable. Unfortunately I didn't get an interview with them and I haven't heard from anywhere else, so it looks like a new job hunt is on the cards :(


What do I do now?

Honestly, lately I've felt a bit lost. Threadkin hasn't advanced because I haven't been putting my time into it like I was before Christmas. Everyone seems to be doing something. Maybe I'm overthinking things again.

Stop thinking, start acting

I really ought to work on that! I'm running a bubble bath to help me clear my head and afterwards I think a good tidy of my room and study is best. If anything helps me to calm my mind down it's calming my room down.

A tidy room calls for a calmer mind


rushi said...

how about distance learning along with a part time work.
learning new things fills the curiosity and gives happiness.
problem with regular courses is all the deadlines and workload gives ton of anxiety.
self paced distance education can be helpful. choose the subjects and time period as per comfort. its for working people. but person like us already have a work to keep mind straight, things tidy and go to gp and it takes effort to think positively. so the slow pace is cool. plus you can stay at home. some of these courses are cheap compared to regular courses so no added pressure of finishing it. at anytime you don't feel to go on then you can leave it. you can take small certificate course. it's like small to do list. less money and time required and you get the feel of how things are. and you get uni certificate which is good for resume. it's slow small step but at least a step forward in career. still at the end you know your self best. and wait i didn't mean to keep you searching online for hours . first jobs and then courses. :-) don't hurry. good luck.

Waylon Grimm said...
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Waylon Grimm said...

I hope you haven't lost hope, yet. Looking for a job is never easy. After all, it's one of the most difficult things to do in this time and age. However, seeing as how every state is fighting the rates of unemployment from going any higher, I'm sure you'll be able to find a fitting job for you soon. Don't rush, things will fall into place soon enough. Keep us posted, Jess. I wish you all the best!

Waylon Grimm @ All Force Labour Solutions