Sunday 1 February 2015

HOUNDED BY SPAM / Guess who mum met at church!

After my bath I'm feeling much better and have held off tidying until after I have some luncheons. I have a bad habit of staying in the bath too long and letting the water turn cold and then I'm too cold to move!

Nothing is impossible when you find the right song track

I put on some good tunes while I was in the bath and before I knew it I was hunting for jobs online in my area - felt pretty good about it too :) nothing is impossible when you find the right track... and yes, I prop my laptop up next to the bath, usually for a movie or a favourite sitcom of mine :P

'Congratulations! You've won £5284.28, claim now...'

I wanted to really rant about how I'm getting hounded constantly through my emails and texts with constant: 'Congratulations! You've won £5284.28, claim now...' or 'PPI claim....' '£6782.24 is waiting for you..'

GAAAHHHH GO AWAY! I've no clue why I'm getting these so often, there is rarely a day where I don't get any, I can't stand them. Sure I just delete them straight away but they're plain relentless. If only the people throwing them about has a clue as to how damn annoying it is. Got to admire their resilience, but it's driving me up the wall, just hope it quietens down soon. And breathe...

* * * * *

It was lovely to hear what mum had to say about going to church this morning, because she bumped into someone by surprise!

Ohhh my gorgeous boy, the most well behaved doggy in the world! He recently graduated from Woofability School and was partnered with a lady in a wheelchair just 2 days ago! Mum said he had a little green mat to lie on during the service at the front by his owner and was, of course, good as gold. It was really nice that mum got to pet him a little and talk to his new owner about how we've had him before. If ever there was incentive to go to church more often!

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