Sunday 22 February 2015

One step at a time

Feeling: Nervous
Listening to: Brokeback Mountain n.1 - Gustavo Santaolalla (Brokeback Mountain OST)

Mattress Shopping

It's been a fairly pleasant day, I've not let myself worry or get wound up with anything, went out mattress browsing this morning - mine is really soft and you can feel the springs coming through the top. When I say soft, I mean weak and bendy. That was pretty fun, I had a good time doing that! I don't think we've ever bought a mattress from a store. You might think 'Well, where else would you get one?!', but we've got them from peoople we know, people on gumtree etc. I'm excited! One of my favourite things about it was taking Tom into account, it felt really warm and fuzzy.

Roast Luncheons

Mum decided that it would be a nice treat if we ate out for lunch today. There is a long, very dull backstory involving a new and frustratingly broken oven and we are a traditional family - oh so loyal to the roast - so mum felt we ought to go where we can have one instead of scrambling something together that resembles a roast dinner. Of course dad isn't bothered, his cigarette black teeth are so soft he can't handle a roast potato. Even when that wasn't a thing, his italian-ness was never a fan!

The more english the food, the less enthusiastic he is!

Let's get some work experience

So today's been nice, but I did have a little task to do which didn't happen. It was just some preparation for tomorrow's plans. I am going to go to a few primary schools/day nurseries and enquire about getting some work experience! I'm excited, but nervous about talking to headteachers.

I've decided to go to my own primary school first. It seems to make sense, what with the fond memories I have of the school and how I'd love to remain connected :) I just hope the head they have is nice. I'm sure the school has changed a lot in the 10 years since I left! Oh listen to me, worrying too far ahead again - I have to focus on getting some work experience agreed on somewhere and then I'll think about how I'll get on :)

I have the morning and early afternoon to go to a few places, so I'll need to come up with a kind of walk route to get me from one to another efficiently so I can squeeze more in. I sound like I'm going on a D of E trip hahaha (so glad I never did that at school).

The highlight of my day is the lovely lunch out with my folks. Despite the horrible pouring rain outside, it was a rare treat that I really apreciated.

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