Tuesday 24 February 2015


Feeling: Irritated


Men are so damn annoying whenever a guy comes round to do a job. They instantly act as though they know just as much or they are an apprentice, they will stalk whoever is doing the job and ask about every little thing that they're doing and why. STOP IT! Why do they do that?! It must be a man thing, women will just let them do their job and if they ask us for something, we can help. It really is infuriating.

We changed our broadband etc provider a while ago, so a guy came over this morning to set up our phone and broadband. Dad wouldn't leave him alone! If he was able to, I wouldn't be surprised if dad went up the pole thingymajig in the street with him ha :P it drives me crackers, I couldn't get a question in because dad would pretend he was talking to him rather than me. For goodness sake!

Oh dad

Oh and this is the cherry on the cake. I don't know if I've gone into this before, but my dad is an extreme conspiracist with almost everything and today was no different to any other day.

The guy gave me a small card that says our new router name and wifi password for it so I could try the internet. Of course, dad was leaning so far over to see what was happening on my laptop that it was ridiculous. When he asked if we could change the password, I thought fine fair enough, we might want something easier to remember. No, that wasn't his reason! Apparently there is some kind of device in the piece of card he gave me so we should make them lose our scent, so to speak.

Dad's time

*sigh* really want to move to Bath right now. He scares me with this stuff sometimes. Do you want to know what I've been thinking lately? My dad is 60 now and.... well, it'll sound harsh, but I've no clue how my family and I will care for him when he's older and can't manage things by himself. I just hope dad doesn't go gradually over time - he hates doctors, he doesn't believe in the medical industry and wouldn't go near medication for anything.

My english grandpa who passed away last October always had total respect and trust in doctors, but the Dementia slowly took over him and he became aggressive towards hospital staff. Dad would act like that before any deterioration, so if his mind goes....that'll be tough.


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