Friday 13 February 2015

Bye bye Marco!

Feeling: Happy

Better than nothing

It's been a okay day, I've genuinely been happy with myself with the little tasks I've got done. The phrase 'better than nothing' is really resonating with me today :) 

I took Marco out for a walk then back to Woofability base camp in the afternoon, hoovered my room and the living room, worked on my CV and a cover letter for a new job opportunity, helped prepare dinner and made an online food shopping order.

Ready to go to bed now :)


Everyone in my family wanted to keep Marco longer, but it is easy for them to want him to stay when they aren't actually caring for him you know, they get a welcome home cuddle and hugs in the evening. I was fine when we gave him back until he was walking away from us and turned back to see us again. Oh, the pang in our hearts!

Still, I genuinely don't mind the giving back part of it all and it's funny, I'm with them the most. Maybe it's the reassurance that they are off to do great things for disabled people or the knowledge that I can sleep in a bit in the mornings! Yeah bit selfish, but you know. As much as I growled, getting dressed to go to the park, I always enjoyed it when I was there and felt good afterwards.

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