Thursday 12 February 2015


Feeling: Incredibly irritable

Everything is annoying!!

I don't know what has set me off this morning, but I am getting really annoyed at anything and everything. I'm still in my pjs and quite frankly I want to stay in them today. I don't want to go out, my dad's driving me mad (although that's normal), I even want the little birds outside to quit churping. Did I take my meds this morning? Yeah I did, ugh I hope they kick in soon. Maybe today I should double up, I don't know.

Last doggy day

The phone's been ringing loads with scam rubbish, I've no patience with Marco today. We're taking him back tomorrow. He's been pretty good, but I'm not sure how long it'll be til we get another one to stay because dad and I want to give the garden some attention. You wouldn't think it's relevant, but the thing is we put certain food waste in the garden soil and the dogs love to treat it as an all you can eat buffet!

Garden plans

I've got plans to grow some wildlife attractive flowers in the garden and I don't want the dogs to come along and snack away! I love the thought of having birds, bees and butterflies in the garden. They all need our help and there are so many things you can do for them. I made a post recently about attracting birds to your garden, if you like the idea take a look!

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