Monday 2 February 2015

Dinner disaster / Homophobia is so old

Feeling: Recovering from a whole day of irritability

A bit more happened yesterday that I failed to blog about at the time because my laptop was almost out of juice, my charger was 2 stair flights away and I couldn't be bothered to get it.

New oven and already a problem?!

So we had an oven disaster. Being Sunday, we of course were all set to have a sunday roast dinner (a tradition that will never die here I tell you) and I was happy to be preparing it myself and giving it a go - I could hear myself in my head promising Tom I'd learn to make a good roast since he's a massive fan of them! Things in and an hour later, I find that the oven is barely even warm :(

We were baffled - we bought this oven only 2 weeks ago, it's brand new, and it's already broken?! Let me give you an idea of how long and dreary our night was. I began prepping din dins at 5, ready to eat for half 7. When did we eat? Quarter to 10.


Everyone was in a bad mood by the time we ate! I was annoyed with my sister for taking over preparing dinner, even thought I hadn't said a word about wanting to handle it myself, so that was silly. Mum had been upset the whole evening because we didn't know (and still don't) what's wrong with it and why, so what do we do next. I went cold and quiet for the rest of the night.
Old generation and homophobia

We watched a episode of Call The Midwife and it focussed on a gay man who was married and about to become a father. It got me thinking about how my grandparents would feel towards me being bisexual.

Just before bed, I propped on mum's bed and asked how they would have been with it, althought in hindsight I thought maybe it's better not to know :( it is easy to think what they would've thought considering their generation. Mum said she just couldn't imagine them knowing in the first place, she would never have said anything to them.

When I think of my Grandma, she was my favourite person in the world, and yet I know she wouldn't have loved all parts of me. It's a sad thought, but it doesn't upset me because that was just how everyone thought at that time, people's minds are a lot more open nowadays and attitudes have changed a lot. I don't take it personally because it was society as a whole, everyone thought as a unit then.

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