Sunday 8 February 2015

Woofability doggy no. 4!

Feeling: Productive

Yesterday was such a productive day, I fell asleep almost instantly last night! So knackered. My sister was away from home for a bit, so it was just mum and I and as it usually goes on the weekends, it was time to clean.

A long to do list

We *deep breath* hoovered the living room, hallway, stairs, bedrooms and bathrooms, did a stupid amount of washes, cleaned the bathrooms, spoke with our network provider, researched other deals and organised switching providers - lunch happened in there somewhere - and lastly picked up a Woofability dog!


We are now looking after Marco for a week :) he is Hudson's younger brother, they were a litter of 7 or 8 puppies. They're are all around graduation age and, sure enough, Marco only has 2 weeks left before he graduates and gets a partner to stay with. Their other brothers are going to be graduating throughout February as well.

He's a chubby thing, so he's on a diet! We went for a short walk round the corner to our local Co-op this morning - his jacket is very fitted - and actually got there before it was open, so we waited outside the doors. He was very good, an angel to walk! What a relief, I have no patience at all when I'm dogwalking, for some reason. Maybe it's all the pausing to pee on everything and pulling to poop in people's gardens.

He's pretty good while we're eating as well, so long as you don't make eye contact with him (which dad is useless at). After some lunch, mum and I are going down the road to get some stuff done and bring him along for a second walk :)

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