Sunday 15 February 2015


Feeling: Contemplative
Listening to: 2NE1 - Hate You

This past week has been interesting and exciting in terms of opening doors for a future career and it's totally different to an ambition I've ever planned towards. I'm thinking about working in child care, particularly as an early years teacher.

Could this be for me?

My grandma was an early years teacher and loved little ones, we've had other teachers in the family too, maybe I have the knack! I've never liked the idea of teaching but then I never considered littlens. As I've gotten older I've liked being with little children more and more and my hope to have kids is definitely settling in. Spending time with my best friend and her 3 year old daughter is one of my most favourite things to do.


It's worth exploring into, so I mentioned it to mum the other night quite nervously, but I was relieved that she could see me suiting it. My mum told me of a parent and toddler group that meets at our church every Wednesday and what's more they're in need of lots of help. Perfect! It's half term next week, so Wednesday 25th I'm going to volunteer for the group meeting and see how it goes :) I'm feeling really positive about it and if it does go well, I said I would come to volunteer whenever I can.

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