Tuesday 10 February 2015

It's all about Marco!

Feeling: Alright

Watching a film together
I'm a little bored to be honest. It has been a nice enough day, I've checked some things off my list but not everything. Not too bad I suppose.

A balanced mindset

When I was really depressed, on a day like this I would focus on the fact that I haven't done absolutely everything I planned to bla bla bla but I truly believe I'm pulling out of it. It is becoming much easier to think with a balanced mindset.

Doggy Daycare

It has been nice being with Marco - I like the responsibility of keeping him and the loyalty a dog gives you in return for your care. Today we ventured to the park for the first time since I felt Marco's recall was good enough with me and it went pretty well! Thankfully there were only 3 other dogs there and they were all well balanced and friendly. That is always a worry when other dogs come nearby - we've certainly had a fair share of aggressive dogs the past couple of days on walks and I'm sick of them! I wish more dog owners would take proper responsibility and take their dogs through training when possible. It's frustrating!

Mucky pup!
After the relief of today going well off the lead, I have no nerves of going to the park again with Marco :) except he loves to roll in the dirt - I think a rinse down is going to become a daily task with him haha!

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