Sunday 8 February 2015

Beyond Knackered / Inner bully voice

So tired - it's a weirdly good feeling, I mean, I imagine most people don't think twice about going to bed, but for me it's a worry I've had for a long time, as you know. That must be it, it is so comforting to know I can go to bed and let myself drift off. My mind will simply be too tired to stay awake to think over stuff.

You know, in a session with my CBT Therapist, she asked me what is going through my mind when I'm lying in bed struggling to sleep and it's one of those questions that you don't know the answer to and I had to think about it. What do I think about when I'm just lying in bed awake?!

Inner bully voice

I figured that I just mull over my day and past events, criticising my behaviours and actions, but I'm not sure that's the case anymore. That's a massive step for me because I've done that for as long as I can remember. Everyone has that inner bully voice and it speaks so frequently in our ear that we barely even notice it.

It can be turned around

It sounds impossible because it is very difficult. It takes a lot of mental effort, it is such a tiring process. Sometimes it feels similar to a workout and I want to stop trying, but when you think about it, listening to your inner bully voice constantly is exhausting too - you're just used to it after so many years.

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