Sunday 8 February 2015

A shaky afternoon

Feeling: On edge

I had such a good sleep :) it was lovely getting up this morning and having Marco greet me in the morning!

I've been irritable whenever my sister's around, just for anything she says. I don't know :/ I managed to be productive today, so I'm feeling satisfied and very sleepy - just how you should feel at the end of the day! This afternoon mum and I, as planned, went down the high street to get some things sorted and Marco came with us.

It's a good thing we went to the 02 shop first, because we were in there well over an hour to get a contract sorted out for mum. She's had an ancient nokia for as long as we can all remember, so long that the button markings have rubbed away over the years! We've meant to get mum sorted with a new phone for ages and finally, after yesterday's long drawn out task with the network provider stuff, I was in the mood to get this checked off the to do list.

Unsettling errand

Unfortunately, I didn't feel all that welcome in the shop. As we were browsing the phones, I glanced to the doorway of the shop and instantly recognised the guy standing on the pavement staring at me. He is (or was) a regular punter at William Hill, I'm pretty sure he was homeless but this was 4 years ago, so who knows what his situation is like now. By the looks of him, not that much better.

Anyway, we sat with an salesman, really nice guy, and every time I glanced over, the guy was getting closer and it started to really unnerve me. He wasn't even pretending to browse of anything, just stood there staring at me. We were at the desk for over an hour and he was sat right behind us, god I felt uncomfortable. We even asked if there was a second, rear exit! Thankfully, he didn't try anything because we walked past pretty quickly. I could hear our salesman ask him if he wanted to come to the desk and he said no.

We sprinted into Waitrose in the hopes to get away! You can practically hear the 007 music in the background as we rushed in!

Nervy dogs

After our Waitrose errand, I relaxed again only for us to pass some really frustrated dogs. I'm not sure whether they aren't well trained or they just have bad energy, but one pitbull-like dog suddenly lunged and was barking ferociously. Another toy dog was all snappy as well. For goodness sake!

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