Friday 27 February 2015


Feeling: Knackered

Pretty pooped, this morning dad graciously gave me a lift so I could buy a new mattress - it's more exciting than it might sound - and then to the train station. This afternoon was aaaall about my best friend and her little gorgeous girl! Gosh, she can be a little diva and a half :P but she's very sweet.

A fun-filled afternoon

We had some band practice - guitar, whistle and xylophone, as you do - and then I helped her dress up and in return she helped me put tihngs back in her dressing up box. She teetered around as a princess in some of her mum's heels, it was so cute. Since I could play with her in her room, my best friend could do some things around the house - they only moved in to their new house a couple of weeks ago. She said it had been the most productive day since the move, so she was happy about that.

We had a coffee and blueberry muffin each, then curled up on the sofa to watch Cinderella, which of course we had to explain to her 3 year old all the way through what was going on..... she asks a lot of questions.

The highlight of my day was when I was leaving their house and the little spark ran back and forth from the hallway to me with my boots, coat and bag. It was the sweetest thing!!

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